Trainspotting | Traveler | Videography | Photography

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

On 12:12 AM by Unknown in    No comments
First of all, I do apologise on the lack of posting in this blog. As going on railway ride has been declining for me, it's very sad for my hobby as the progression is very little. But this time, I'am able to embark on a new journey. To start of with, I will update on my very first Taiwan's high speed train ride.

I have been to Taiwan before but that was only taking the MRT train in Taipei main city. Out of curiosity, I decided to take the chance this time on riding Taiwan's very own HSR.

*Disclaimer - The info that I write will be on my best of knowledge*

My first journey starts from Zouying station, the very south station of Kaohsiung to Tao Yuan station. 

Up to 16 cars in total, built on a 1,435mm standard gauge track.

I don't have the whole interior of the station but here's the important segment on before purchasing your ticket. Rule of thumb, do remember to check the railway schedule. One reason being is that mostly some of the services run on all stations and there's the semi and express routes. You may purchase a few days before or online booking and change to a physical ticket. The earlier you buy, discounts can be up to 35%.

Main station view of Zouying station when entering from escalator after exit of MRT.

Check the timetable to see your train number and any delays. There's a rare chance it will happen. 

When the time comes to be at the platform, take the escalator down or elevator. 

But before you enter, you be greeted to this sign. At a terminus station, cleaners will take a quick inspection on cleanliness of train before taking off. 

Train cleaners. They have one aim and that is to clean the train, turn the chairs to the ideal forward view in as quick as possible. 

Time to board. Who isn't excited to board a train eh? Okay some cars will differ from the rest. There's 3 type. (Non-reserve, reserve - similar seats but the name is what it is) and green (equal to a business) cars.

Walk your way through the aisle and be sure to be seated at your designated seat when you purchase reserve seating.

Similar like how an airplane ride feels like, there will be magazine and some brochure (not shown in photo) on the seat pocket. This handy information of facilities is on every tray table.

Speciality of car number 7

Once passengers were boarded, the train depart exactly on time as the timetable. So what's my conclusion of Taiwan's HSR? The ride experience is great and I like how the system implemented as a Japan HSR. This train ride is recommended highly if you're looking on saving cost on air travel as this is a great alternative.